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Fun Friday

On this house we basically “do school” four days a week. Four days a week we hunker down and really dive deep into the core subjects:

  • Math

  • Language Arts

  • Science/Health

  • Social Studies

  • Keyboarding

  • Spanish

  • Art

Having said that, we also learn outdoors, when reading at bedtime, in the car with songs and audio books, and all the places in between.

This means Monday - Thursday we are killing it and my kids get rewarded with “Fun Friday” (or FREEDOM Friday for mama who gets a mild break).

What does Fun Friday look like for us?

The Sophisticated Teacher Exploring Outdoors

We choose a favorite playground and meet up with friends. We go on field trips with a family or two. Sometimes the field trips match up with curriculum, like visiting the farm or zoo during our mammals unit. Other times we just choose a fun hike or destination!

Fun Friday happens after we do a quick spelling/phonics quiz and math fact quiz (which can be oral, on whiteboards or written down).

At the end of the day, the kids get to pick a treasure for their hard work during the week. The treasure basket consists of fun toys, money, and yummy treats. I just raid the Target Dollar section l, the craft store and the candy isle. One treasure each Friday if we had a good overall week during school. They think it is a lot of fun. I think of it as their paycheck for a job well done.

The last thing that makes Friday’s fun for the kids (and myself) is dinner choice! The children rotate Fridays and get to choose what they have for dinner. It gives me a break and normally everyone eats without a fuss because it’s super kid friendly.

That’s it! FUN FRIDAY! It is something to look forward to each week!


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